Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Best of 2013!

Thank you all for being on this beautiful country/city, nature/nurture journey with us! <3
Please enjoy some of my favorite moments captured in 2013 (there are MANY--i'm a Libra and can't make decisions- so perhaps use the potty first?!;) I look forward to sharing many more with you in the coming new year, yippee!
PS: there is a DELICIOUS recipe at the end if you can make it that far! :))

Raw Chai Chocolate Brownies with Kumquats and Pink Salt
*Original recipe from www.greenkitchenstories.com 
Makes 1 loaf pan or 12 small squares 

2 Cups fresh medjool dates, pitted
4 tbsp coconut oil, room temperature
2 tbsp raw cocoa powder 
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
3 tbsp rooibos chai, ground fine in a coffee grinder or food processor 
2 tbsp crushed or ground flaxseeds 
pinch fine sea salt

Kumquats, sliced
Course Himaliyan salt 

Place all ingredients except for the kumquats and course salt in a food processor or high speed blender. Blend till smooth and sticky.

Press evenly into a parchment paper lined loaf tin.

Garnish with kumquats and cracked Himalayan salt.

Chill in fridge for for minimum 1/2 hour. 

Cut and serve immediately! :)