Sunday, April 27, 2014

April Showers...

Hard to believe sugaring season is done, the snow is gone and the trees are budding....we even had out first bonfire and outdoor picnic this weekend! :) Lots going on in the Mi&O test kitchen with spring greens like ramps, fiddle heads and shoots... Recipes to come, promise!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter in Vermont

We had beautiful weather for Passover/Easter this year and LOTS of family to celebrate with! My older sister, brother-in-law and niece came up from Beacon, NY (about 90 mins from The City), which is always fun. Asha and Olive are only 6 months apart, and while they can both dig their heels in, they have a very sisterly relationship and love each other deeply. We had a yummy Seder dinner on Friday night and then a lovely Easter brunch on Saturday morning followed by an egg hunt at Grammie's house. The girls were amazing egg hunters and seemed more interested in finding the eggs than eating their contents. Next year might be different. ;-)

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Spring in New York

We spent Olive's spring break in the city. The weather was perfect and all the magnolia and Dogwood trees were bursting with color. It may be the only time of year the city smells good! ;-) it was a bitter/sweet trip knowing that this was Olive's last time in our apartment - the very place she was born. But we are very ready to ALL be together again after living apart for nearly a year. Vermont will be our full time home starting June 1st! Looking forward to a family-filled summer. <3