Sunday, January 18, 2015

A Fresh Start, 2015


We moved into our new home right before the holidays and have been fully in renovation mode every since! It's been an exciting and exhausting process, but we are finally seeing the fruit of our labors and are thrilled with the results! I just can't get over how "new" you're old stuff can look in a freshly painted space! And clearly our love for Scandinavian and mid century design is still going strong! :)

Speaking of Scandinavian- enjoy this cozy and delicious recipe from Finland based blog,
My Blue & White Kitchen. If you are vegetarian- or mostly vegetarian like myself- skip the pork and add smoked salt and pepper instead! :)


serves 6 to 8
Pea soup is popular all over Scandinavia. In Finland, green peas are used, but to make a Swedish/Norwegian/Danish version, use yellow peas instead. If you can't find smoked pork shank, substitute it with (smoked) bacon. This soup can be made vegetarian by simply leaving the meat out. To still get a wonderful smoky flavor, you could add a pinch of smoked salt. Some people prefer to add one or two diced carrots to the soup; it's really up to you. If you do, just add it to the pot with the onion. The cooking times listed below are minimum cooking times; the longer you cook it on low heat, the better it gets. Many like to add mustard to their soup. The mustard is always being served on the side so everyone can stir it in to ones taste. 
500 g dried whole green peas, picked over, rinsed, & soaked for 10 hours
olive oil
1 onion
2,5 l (10 ½ cups) water
2 tsp fine sea salt
2 tsp dried marjoram
400 g smoked pork shank with bone
optional: mustard, for serving
In a big pot, heat the olive oil on medium heat. Add the onion and cook until soft. Add the water, salt, marjoram, peas, and pork shank. Bring to a boil and let simmer for at least an hour. At this point, the soup won't look that tasty as the pea husks float on top. Believe me, it will get better.
Remove the shank. Shred meat and discard skin and fat. Return the meat and bone back to the pot. Cook for at least another hour. Add more liquid if necessary. Should the soup look too thin, cook it without a lid for a while.
Taste and season. Discard the bone before serving.
Serve with mustard if preferred and rye bread or crispbread.


  1. congrats Kyle! love what you do to the house :) and Olive's room is so cute! Great photos too <3

    1. Thank you, Imma! It's been a fun project getting the house where we want it to be. Next up is the kitchen and bathrooms, which are MAJOR projects! Hope you are well!

  2. Hi Kyle, congratulations on you new place! I love Olive's room with her semi-private place by the window. Lucky her! You guys did a wonderful job. Enjoy it!
