Thursday, November 21, 2013

House Rule

In our house "kid food" does not exist. My philosophy has always been: if it isn't good enough for me than it's not good enough for Olive. And why would I make myself MORE stressed by trying to cook or provide separate meals at meal time, or separate snacks at snack time? Olive has only known food as food and not as "ours" and "hers." My father has always said, "No kid has ever purposely starved themselves to death." And it is true. If Olive doesn't like what I am making than she has two choices: eat it or don't eat it-- and 9 times out of 10 she will eat it cause she's hungry! I don't EVER get up and make her a separate meal, fuss over finding something she will like, or cater to her beck and call. That is crazy making and forms really bad habits and power struggles. Even if she doesn't like what I dish up at the very least it is being exposed to new and different things. And the experts do say that children often need to try or be exposed to the same food at least 10 times before they will like it. So expose and try we will continue to do-- sorry Kraft Mac&Cheese. ;-)

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