Friday, May 30, 2014

A Confession (and other tasty things)

We've had a fantastic post NYC full week in Vermont, which is as lush and green as a jungle right now! I'm always amazed how this can possible be after such a long, freezing, snow-covered winter? Life's mysteries are truly a magical thing....

So, on to my confession: the short of it is recipe development in the traditional sense (exact measurements, step-by-step instructions, etc) goes against every grain of my "inner chef" and I just don't enjoy it, and honestly I can't do it. I do, however, very much enjoy creating visual recipes and making lists of  ingredients in the form of intriguing, and hopefully, mouthwatering titles. From there the magic comes from within YOU! I want to empower YOU to use all your five senses when you cook: taste it, see it, feel it, smell it, even hear it as you chop, blend, grind, mash and spread, and get lost and carried away in that process rather than navigating a mundane recipe (with all do respect to recipes). Your preferences in tastes and presentation are unique and different than mine-- and that's good! Let's celebrate! No more conservative, box-you- in recipes that don't fit your needs or desires! Let's open our minds, hearts and refrigerators together and find what's already there- greatness!! 

So here goes your first cooking project- created by YOU and inspired by me:): 

Smashed new potatoes with (plenty of) Extra Virgin Olive Oil, (Coarse) Himalayan Sea Salt, (heaps of) garden chives, (a generous cap full of) white truffle oil and (a splash of) balsamic vinegar (for brightness). 

*see pic above for visual inspiration* 

Enjoy! and gosh darn it, HAVE FUN! ;-)


  1. Swirly cloud picture is beautiful!

  2. Please post recipe for GF crumble:) love all photos!!!!

  3. hey the list of ingredients is enough!

  4. I love this Kyle! I always feel insecure without a recipe, I need more practice at just letting go and creating in the kitchen!

    1. It's such a good exercise in letting go and trusting oneself, jessie!! You can do it, I know you can!!! :)))
