Sunday, September 22, 2013

Mother's Day in Vermont

We had a glorious Mother's Day in Vermont this year. Unfortunately Michael could not be with us, but he sent up these amazing apple and plum blossoms, and of course, chocolate. ;) I made my mother, step-mom and aunt a decedent brunch using many of the ingredients from our own garden or the farmer's down the road. YUM!


  1. Happy mothers day :-D Sounds like the mothers in your family are really lucky with you around.

  2. Seems like such a lovely day that you had!!

  3. It was such a lovely day! Of course always a lot of work to cook and host a large gathering, but it's something that I love to do and will do many times again. :) Perhaps one day, all of us Mamas can get together and share a meal.....that would be a dream come true! <3
